Is Scotland’s new “Hate Crime and Public Order Act” good or bad for democracy?


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Is the act helping, do you think it’s a good thing or a bad thing – vote yes for good, no for bad!
The legislative groundwork for the Hate Crime and Public Order Act was laid through rigorous debates, public consultations, and a thorough legislative process.
The Act’s passage was not without controversy, as it sought to tread the fine line between protecting individuals from hate crimes and preserving freedom of speech.


1462 Votes

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1441 Votes (98.56%)

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Comments (215)


william chalmers

9 months ago

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SNP nonsense.

John Prior

9 months ago

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Load if nonsense, trying to protect criticism of Islamic intolerance.

Janet Lockie

9 months ago

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I'm so glad we didn't get independent and I hope we never will. I shudder what other stupid laws the Snp and Green party will try and bring in.

Jim McIntosh

9 months ago

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It will only cause more hatred

George Willson

9 months ago

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This is a bad bill and like all other decisions and bill by the SNP is ill thought through and badly implemented. It will not kill Freedom of Speech and will not protect from Hate. It is not Possible for the Police to implement and even if they did there is not enough prison space for those who would be convicted. It is just another piece of Nonsense from The Scottish Nonentity Party led by he who is known as Humza Yousless.

John Ross

9 months ago

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Human Usef has done himself this time with this stupidity of a bill which is already drawing criticism from many people who think it will only entaganise and cause more hatred than there already is, Usef is a walking bomb scare, the only way to crush this law is to vote against this imbicile at the next elections

Alex MacDonald

9 months ago

While hate is immoral, it is too difficult to define in legal terms. There is the very real danger the new law will have a negative effect on free speech. One person's hate is another person's reasoned argument. Also, the new law undermines the principle of 'innocent till proved guilty, in that it requires people to prove their innocence.

Ian Relf

9 months ago

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Have there been any demonstrab,y good bills worth the horrendous capital and ongoing costs of the devolved administration.

Ron Leitch

9 months ago

Typical Scottish Government! Bring in new legislation but fail to provide additional resources to police and enforce it. This particular piece of legislation is a vexatious complainer's wet dream. They will be lining up to complain about everything and anything!

Alan Robertson

9 months ago

United Kingdom

Robert Polland

9 months ago

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It's a vague and very dangerous piece of legislation, introduced by a hapless and over controlling government. Further consideration reveals that perhaps its true intention is to introduce blasphemy laws into our legal framework which is a more frightening proposition.

Alan Daly

9 months ago

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SNP should be concentrating on their main objective independence for Scotland . That's what the party was created for. I don't believe the public was informed in enough definitive detail what criteria constitutes hate crime ,what is the minimum and can it be abused.
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