UK Local Elections

  • Staff Writer

The results are in the UK’s 2024 local elections were a pivotal moment in the nation’s political landscape, serving as a barometer of public sentiment ahead of the anticipated general election later in the year. In this analysis, we delve into the notable highlights of

these elections, examining key races, trends in voter turnout, and comparing past turnout figures to provide insights into the evolving dynamics of UK politics.

Notable Highlights:

The 2024 local elections in the UK were characterized by several notable highlights, reflecting both regional dynamics and broader national trends. Here are some key highlights:

  1. Regional Mayoral Elections: One of the most significant aspects of the 2024 local elections was the emergence of regional mayoral contests across England. For the first time, mayors were elected in the East Midlands, the North East, and York and North Yorkshire, expanding the devolution of power to these regions. Incumbents in high-profile regions like London, the West Midlands, and Tees Valley faced fierce competition as they vied to retain their positions of authority over critical areas such as transport, housing, and strategic planning.
  2. By-Elections and MP Resignations: The occurrence of several by-elections, including the highly anticipated contest in Blackpool South following the resignation of the former Conservative MP, added intrigue to the electoral landscape. These by-elections provided an opportunity for parties to gauge their support in specific constituencies and potentially shift the balance of power in Parliament.
  3. Local Council Races: With over 2,500 seats up for grabs across more than 100 local councils in England, the local council races were a key battleground in the 2024 elections. These councils play a vital role in governing local communities, overseeing essential services such as education budgets and social care. The outcomes of these races offered insights into voters’ priorities and preferences at the grassroots level.
  4. Police and Crime Commissioner Elections: Another significant aspect of the 2024 elections was the selection of local police and crime commissioners in England and Wales. These commissioners play a crucial role in shaping law enforcement policies and priorities at the local level, making their elections an important determinant of community safety and security.

National Turnout:

The turnout in the UK’s 2024 local elections was closely watched as an indicator of civic engagement and political participation. While official turnout figures may vary by region and constituency, national turnout data provides a broad overview of voter engagement in these elections.

According to preliminary reports, the national turnout for the 2024 local elections was estimated to be around as low as 27% in some regions and as high as 43% in others, representing a decrease from the turnout in the previous local elections. This figure suggests that although there appears to be general loathing of the Conservatives and this is certainly reflected in the dismal local election results for the Tories, Labour has not seen the expected “landslide” shift that many were prediticing. This may in part be due to the fact that a general election has not been called and therefore the Labour (and Tory) manifestos are still closely guarded secrets and thus the public have little to go on in terms of voting beyond Party leader. Starmer it must be said has got “better” at being a major political leader but still lacks the decisive instinct that voters really want. Policies have yet to be fully baked by either party or indeed the Liberal Democrats and or the Greens so still very much to play for here but early indicators point to public disdain with the Tory leadership and apathy at best for anyone else.

Comparative Analysis:

To gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics at play in the 2024 local elections, it is instructive to compare turnout figures with those of previous elections. By examining trends over time, we can identify patterns of voter behavior and assess the impact of external factors on electoral participation.

In comparing the turnout for the 2024 local elections with that of previous cycles, several observations can be made:

  1. Historical Trends: Historically, turnout in local elections in the UK has fluctuated depending on various factors, including the political climate, the competitiveness of races, and the presence of high-profile candidates or issues. Analyzing turnout trends over multiple election cycles provides valuable insights into the underlying drivers of voter engagement.
  2. Impact of External Factors: External factors, such as the timing of elections, national events, and socio-economic conditions, can significantly influence voter turnout. For example, turnout may be higher during general elections when national issues dominate the agenda, while local elections may attract lower turnout due to perceived differences in the relevance or importance of local versus national politics.
  3. Regional Variations: Turnout levels may vary significantly by region, reflecting differences in demographic composition, political culture, and levels of civic engagement. Some regions may consistently record higher turnout rates, while others may struggle to mobilize voters, highlighting the importance of tailored outreach strategies and targeted messaging to address local concerns and priorities.


The UK’s 2024 local elections provided a compelling snapshot of the nation’s political landscape, featuring key races, notable highlights, and insights into voter behavior. From the emergence of regional mayoral contests to the selection of local councillors and police commissioners, these elections underscored the diversity and dynamism of British democracy.

As we analyze turnout figures and compare them to historical data, we gain a deeper understanding of the factors shaping electoral participation and civic engagement in the UK. By identifying trends, patterns, and regional variations, policymakers and political stakeholders can better understand the needs and preferences of voters, ultimately strengthening democratic processes and institutions.

As the nation looks ahead to the next general election and beyond, the lessons learned from the 2024 local elections will inform strategies for enhancing voter engagement, promoting inclusivity, and fostering a more vibrant and responsive democracy in the UK or at least this is what we would like to hope for from our political elite the carisam of Johnson and Blair are lacking in both major party camps, the country is not happy, the economy is limping and all major public services from the Police, Education, Health and Social Care are all scoring C- on their respective report cards in spite of having billions and billions poured into them – something is just not right – is it the public-private-partnerships that have strung up over the last two decades whereby no one really knows who is running what, what service level is expected and is the whole thing actually value for money?

Some serious questions and analysis for the incoming new Government – last year the NHS burned through £153bn and still they ask for more – exactly how much is enough?

Brace yourself for the soon to be announced General Election – DemRef will be running manifesto polls to see what resonates with the public – stay tuned!